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Clark County Film Permit Application
Please note once you submit your film permit application, please confirm you have received an email stating that your film permit was submitted successfully. If you do not receive an email or if you have an issue with the website, please contact the Film Administrator at
Department of Business License
500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 3rd Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Phone: (702) 455-4111
Production Company Information
Production Company Name:
Production Company Address:
Production Company City:
Production Company State:
Production Company Zip:
(For US Zip Codes, please enter only 5 characters)
Production Company Country:
Project & Location Manager Information
Project Title:
Project Web Site:
Location Manager Name:
Location Manager Local Phone/Cell:
Location Manager Fax Number:
Location Manager Office Number:
Location Manager Email Address:
Please enter a valid email address
If different from above, name of person filing application:
Contact number of person filing application:
Proposed Activity
Proposed Activity Category:
TV Weekly Series (network TV)
Feature Film (studio)
Music Video
Feature Film (independent)
TV Movie
TV Special
Reality Show
Still Photo
Anticipated Air Date
General Description of Proposed Activity:
Approvals from the Clark County Fire Department and Clark County Public Works will be required.
Click the checkboxes for all the activies you are planning.
Special Effects/Pyrotechnics
Tents, canopies or any temporary membrane structures
Low flying aircraft, stunts, chase scenes
Any activity that will obstruct egress or ingress to buildings
Approvals from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and Clark County Public Works will be required.
Filming on Las Vegas Boulevard
Filming at Welcome to Las Vegas Sign
Filming on Pedestrian Bridges
Intermittent Traffic Control
Pedestrian Disruptions
Road Closures
Jurisdiction Locater:
use this link to determine whether the location is within the County’s jurisdiction.
Need another location?
Attachments (max 20MB total for all files combined)
You must sign and send in the Hold Harmless Agreement (pdf)
You must sign and send in the Proof of Insurance (pdf)
The following documents are
Proof of Insurance
Hold Harmless Agreement (pdf)
Proof of Insurance Required.
Hold Harmless Agreement Required.
Any supporting documents i.e. traffic control plans, insurance certificates, etc.
Do you need to enter another location?